The Quran and The Orientalist pdf download By Muhammad Mohar Ali

The Quran and The Orientalist pdf download By Muhammad Mohar Ali Books PDF

The subject of the orientalists‘ views and assumptions about the Qur’än especially attracted my attention during the early 1990s when I had been engaged in writing the Sirat al-Nabi and the Orientalists.’ It soon became clear that the major part of their assumptions and remarks about the Prophet are aimed directiy or indirectly against the Qur’ân, which fact goes only to confirm the Qur’änic statement at 6:33 (alAr aj a S, diyik Y tü “So in fact they cry lies not to you ie, the Prophet]; but the transgressors do at Allah’s ‘áyahs (revelations) hurl rejection.” Subsequently, early in 1999, 
my attention was drawn to an article written by Toby Lester under caption “What is the Koran” and published in the January 1999 issue of the Atlantic Monthy. It was a sort of heavyweight journalistic writing the views of Gerd-R Puin regarding the Qur’än based on his examination of some Qur’änic manuscripts lately discovered at San’ä, together with the views of some other orientalists. I wrote a review of that article which was published as a booklet under caption: The Qur’án and the Latest Orientalist Assumptions.
 In the following year I presented a paper ( in Arabic) on the orientalists’ assumptions about the Qur’in at a seminar on Qur’änic studies and sciences, organised by the King Fahd Qur’än Printing Complex and held at Madina between 30 September and 3 October 2000.’ A revised English version this paper was published in 2002 as another booklet under caption :The Qur’án and the Orientalist: A Brief Survey of Their Assumptions.” In the preface to this latter booklet I mentioned that the subject needed a more detailed treatment. The present work is an attempt in this direction.
 As I started organizing the work I realized that some of the chapters in the Strat al-Nabi and the Orientalists on the themes of the Prophet’s alleged preparation for giving out the Qur’ân, his alleged borrowing from Judaism and Christianity MM Al, Shw al Na und de Orntakan, a pntal minen ae anig f an Mar, DS. Maudaet und Montgumary Wa, vola IA and 1B, King Fahd Qur’in Printing Complen, Madna, 197. 
* Pubished by Jaw ut Iya’ Minhay alSanut, Ipwich, June, 1999 
* Publiahed by the King Fahd Qur’in Printing Comples, Madina , under capion p 
* Published by Jan ke ya’ Minhag al Sunal, iprwich, June, a12 for composing the Qur’än and the assumptions about the Qur’ánic auty are very much related to the subject of the present work and that without these discussions the treatment of it would remain palpably incomplete. 
The first seven chapters of the present work are thus revised versions of the relevant chapters in the Sirat al-Nabi etc. The rest of the chapters dealing with the orientalists’
 assumptions about the history and texts of the Qur’än are newły written, incorporating some materials from my above mentioned booklets. As thus designed, the present work gives in a compact and integrated form the main orientalist assumptions and theories about the Qur’än and examines them critically. The treatment is not what some of the orientalists are prone to call “apologetic”. I have met them on their own grounds and have taken up their arguments and statements one by one, pointing out their faults, inconsistencies and untenability. I do not claim, however, to be exhaustive and comprehensive. If the present work helps to make the readers aware of the main orientalist assumptions and theories about the Qur’ån and their inherent faults and unreasonableness, 
my efforts will not have gone wholly I am grateful to my wife, Rosy, and my son Mansoor, whose care and attention have sustianed me through a prolonged illeness and enabled me to pursue and complete the present work. My thanks are due also to my daughter-in-law, Muneera, and my second son, Maaruf, who have gone through the computer print-out script of the book and drawn my attention to a number of typographical and other errors. I am responsible, however, for any other errors that might stll have escaped scrutiny. Last but not least, special thanks are due to my eldest son, 
Manu (Abu Muntaşir) and the Jam’iyat Ihyaa’ Minhaaj al-Sunnah, for having arranged for prompt publication of the work. May Allah enable us to do what He likes and is pleasing to Him; and peace and blessings of Allah be on His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad ibn “Abd Allah. And all the praise is for Allah, Lord of all beings. Qur an vain. 
MM Ali 11 April 
2004 12 Hazeleigh Gardens, 
Woodford Bridge, 
Essex IG8 8DX UK

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